Tuesday, 29 July 2008

The HTTP verb POST used to access path ''Path' is not allowed

This is probably one of the most stupid mistakes I have made in months. I kept this message when transferring data from one website page to another, and I couldn't understand why.....


It helped when I gave the webpage an aspx extension!!!

One problem here, if you try and post data to a page that is not asp or aspx, IIS and .NET does NOT like it!

Hope this helps!


  1. This was useful to me! I am using a datalist to render the contents of my Web.sitemap. When using a repeater, or menu control, the URLs were fine, but in a datalist, using a linkbutton the PostBackURl attribute really wants a page with extension. Weird eh!


  2. I ran into this problem when I posted an ajax request with a targeturl containing a bookmark. After removing that, the problem is solved.

  3. I might ad to my previous post: I ran into the above mentioned problem using ie8. The problem did not exist when testing using firefox. The fix works on both (and prob. others...).

  4. I ran into the same problem... Why may I not to use simply "/" to postback to site.com? without site.com/default.aspx?

  5. I believe it is due to the IIS setup not having a handler that allows for the verb of post to come through without a document that it wants to go to. I'm not sure of the fix, as I don't know if you can setup a verb for a document of no type.

  6. Realy helpful, thanks! So easy solution. I have received such message when tried to open *.htm file from my ASP application. After renaming files it works. Thank You!
