Thursday, 17 April 2008

Visual Studio .Net 2005 Hangs on Startup

Well, the subject of this post if what has been happening to me today. For no apparent reason, VS.NET 2005 would just hang at the splash screen. After trying to reinstall, it still would not load.

Here are some suggestions, collated from a morning of googling the forums:

1) Check that your harddrive has at least 1GB of space free
2) Try holding the shift key down when starting VS, so that you disable any addons that may have been corrupt.
3) Try installing the lastest .NET runtime, i.e. at present 3.5
4) As a last resort, trying clearing out the user environment settings - WARNING! This will erase all settings you have made in VS, so make a backup if you really need them, and only do this as a last resort. Go to the command prompt, and type "devenv.exe /resetuserdata"

If none of those work, you're pretty much stuffed I think! However, number 2 worked for me!

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