Wednesday 17 December 2008

Javascript parseInt, parseFloat, decide on data type

I was facing an issue today whereby I need to accept a value from an input control, but not knowing what it contained - i.e. a number, a floating point number (decimal) or a string, but I needed to perform maths on it.

With some help of some friends over at, I came up with the following. You pass it your value, and it will send back the right data type to use on mathematical operations like "+" which normally concatenates strings instead of adding numbers as strings.

function parseValues(aValue)
return aValue;
return parseFloat(aValue);
return parseInt(aValue);

Wednesday 10 December 2008

ScriptResource.axd - if(!a._events) error

I was getting this error today, for some unknown reason, and obviously debugging it is of no use, as the brightspark that declared everything as "a", "b" or "c" obviously didn't want us to!

Anyway, after some searching around on my page, I found that a modalpopupextender that I have added to my page, had an invalidad cancelcontrolid, I had mis-spelled it, and therefore this error must be because "a" in this instance was the control that was to be used to close (cancel) the popup.

The joys of using other peoples code....