Tuesday, 19 May 2009

TinyMCE ListBox Plugin for Merge Tags

Well, today I finally managed to cobble together the following solution for a problem I had whereby I wanted a plugin for TinyMCE whereby I could select a value from a drop down / listbox, and have it inserted into TinyMCE.

So here's how I did it:

First define a javascript array BEFORE initialising the TinyMCE editor. This allows you to create this array server side if you want (by writing a response stream declaring it if necessary), or allows you to control it per page. E.g:

var arrUserTags = new Array('{{Name}}','{{Address}}','{{Company}}');

I created a new plugin in tiny_mce/plugins/usertags/editor_plugin.js as follows:

(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.usertags', {
init : function(ed, url) {
createControl: function(n, cm) {
switch (n) {
case 'usertags':
var mlb = cm.createListBox('usertags', {
title : 'Insert details ',
onselect : function(v) {

//The array arrUserTags, must be defined before the editor is added!!! Or if you prefer, just ignore the array idea, and just do multiple mlb.add() statements.

This you can then register as a plugin in tinymce.

CompareValidator doesn't compare numeric amounts correctly

Well at least that is what I thought today!

I had a compare validator set on two text boxes that were used to enter monetary amounts. The validator was to ensure that box B was greater than Box A.

In this scenario, it worked:

Box A = 100, Box B = 200 = Fine


Box A = 500, Box B = 1000 = Invalid

Why? Because I hadn't set the TYPE attribute of the validator to CURRENCY


Thursday, 14 May 2009

TinyMCE UpdatePanel Javascript errors

I have spent days on this one, and it took myself and a colleague both working on it to find a solution that actually worked!

Here's the scenario.... you want to use TinyMCE, and have it working in an UpdatePanel. It sounds simple enough.

What I did was add the TinyMCE editor script, setup my tinyMCE.init() method, and hey presto, I got my editors. I set my code behind for my save button, and it fired fine when pressed, however, the editor disappeared! So, I moved my init function into the code behind, and registered it with the scriptmanager.registerclientscript method. This was fine, and when svaing my content, the editor did not disappear anymore - however, when I clicked the save button for a second time, I got a javascript error on the editor trying to access it's content.

The specific part of the javascript from tiny_mce.js was erroring on "return this.bodyElementthis.getDoc().body"

Anyway, I searched through many examples of how to solve this, including remove the editors before performing the postback, and eventually found a downloadable example that worked:


However, when I tried to use this in my application, with TinyMCE version 3.2.3, it didn't work. I copied over the version from this download, and then it seemed to fix the problem - but I lost some of the TinyMCE functionality!

Eventually, my colleague stumbled upon this absoluetly brilliant .NET extender, that handles everything for you, and allows you customise each editor independantly:


So, if your having problems with TinyMCE and updatepanels - download it and use it!